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Dolmabahce Palace

A different look at the Ottomans – Guided Istanbul tours

The Palace of Dolmabahce, completed in 1856, is the third largest Ottoman palace in Istanbul. It is also the last one that the Sultans built. Located on and offering great views of the Bosphorus, this amazing palace is poles apart from the other Ottoman palace – Topkapi. It is a great place to offer a more modern yet historic view of Turkey. Dolmabahce Palace is simply beautiful. It is very European and grand. The palace can easily be your favourite destination in the guided Istanbul tours. Dolmabahce Palace can also be in your top list for Istanbul sightseeing and daily tours Istanbul.

During the six hundred years of Ottoman rule, the seat of the empire changed several times. Fist it was Bursa, then Edirne and later to Istanbul. The site of the imperial ‘palace’, centre of Ottoman government, changed also over the centuries in Istanbul itself. The construction of Dolmabahce Palace was between 1843 and 1856. It hosted some sultans as the main administrative centre of the Ottoman Empire from 1856 to 1922. For the interval between 1889-1909, the sultans used Yildiz Palace. Up until the mid-19th century, Topkapi Palace was the residence for the sultans. It is still bearing the medieval lifestyle and thus not meeting the mundane needs. Dolmabahce Palace, in that respect, is part of the modernization attempt of the Royal family in architectural terms.

The world knew the Ottoman Empire as ‘the sick man’

At a time of economic reform, people would think of the Ottoman Empire as ‘the sick man’. It was increasingly falling under the financial control of the European powers. And also Ottomans had lost territory in a series of disastrous wars. Sultan Abdulmecid II spent millions on a palace that would give the illusion of prosperity and progressiveness daily tours istanbul.

Until the 17th century the area where Dolmabahce Palace stands today was a natural harbour. It was a bay, where the navy anchored in the early periods. When the Ottomans conquered Istanbul, they gradually filled that bay. So it became one of the imperial parks on the Bosphorus. Its name is Dolmabahce, meaning “filled garden”. A series of imperial mansions and pavillions appeared there. The place eventually grew into a palace complex known as Besiktas Waterfront Palace. This palace was demolished in 1843, and Dolmabahce Palace (as we see it today on guided Istanbul tours) was built in its place. Extending for almost 8 km on a tract of landfill on the shores of the Bosphorus. This imperial structure was built by the Armenian architect Garabet Balyan. Balyan used Western architectural techniques and designs. However, he did not disregard traditional Ottoman elements.

A magnificent building to make your private guided tours Istanbul an experience to remember

Sultan Abdulmecid II spared no expense in creating a house to rival the most opulent palaces of France. The result is a magnificent building consisting of 285 rooms, four grand salons, six galleries. Also, five main staircases, six hamams and 43 toilets. Dolmabahce palace has three parts: the Mabeyn-i Hümayun (or Selamlik, the quarters reserved for the men); Muayede Salonu (the ceremonial halls) and the Harem-i Hümayun (the Harem, the apartments of the family of the Sultan). The main features are its gates, Waterfront facade, Ceremonial Hall, Harem, State Rooms. Also, Ataturk rooms, Crystal staircase, Sultan’s bathrooms, Clock Tower and Gardens guided istanbul tours.

Blue Mosque

A real eye-catcher with the beautifully-arranged cascade of domes

Customized Istanbul tour, Turkey customized sightseeing like to present you the Blue Mosque. It is one of the most prominent historical and cultural landmarks of Istanbul. It was built near the Hagia Sophia, over the site of the ancient Hippodrome. Sultan Ahmed I wanted to build a monument that would rival and even surpass another one of the spectacular sights of Istanbul, in grandeur and beauty – the nearby Aya Sofia.

The Blue Mosque, officially known as the Sultan Ahmed Mosque or Sultan Ahmet Camii is, undoubtedly, one of the architectural marvels of the world. It gets its unofficial name from the 20,000 Iznik blue tiles that line its interior guided istanbul tour.

When Sultan Ahmed I was only 19 he wished to build an Islamic place of worship that would be even better than the Hagia Sophia. The Sultan was so enthusiastic about his grand project that he is said to have worked with the labourers and craftsmen on site, pushing them along and rewarding extra effort. Construction work began in 1609 and took seven years. To this day, the Blue Mosque remains one of the finest examples of classical Ottoman architecture. Sultan Ahmed’s magnificent creation was completed in 1616. Sadly, he died just a year after the completion of his masterpiece, at the age of 27. He is buried outside the mosque – a turbe, or mausoleum, stands at the corner of the grounds near the Hippodrome and Sultanahmet Park, and houses the remains of the Sultan Ahmed I, his wife, Kosem, and three of his sons.

Guided Istanbul tour – Finally choosing Mehmet Aga

The Sultan had one unfortunate architect executed before finally choosing Mehmet Aga to design the mosque. The original mosque complex included public-service institutions: a medrese (theological college); a soup kitchen (imaret ) serving the poor; a primary school; a hospital; a hamam so that the faithful could bathe on Friday, the holy day; and shops, the rent from which supported the upkeep of the mosque, the tomb of the founder. It also contains some fine examples of calligraphy on cobalt blue Iznik tile. Most of these buildings were torn down in the 19th centur ycustomized istanbul tour.

See one of the most notable features of the Blue Mosque on customized Istanbul tour: its six minarets. This is very unique, as most mosques have four, two, or just one minaret. There are several legends associated with the construction of the six minarets. One says that the sultan’s desire for gold minarets – altin in Turkish – was understood as alti, or six. Whatever the reasoning, the construction challenged the preeminence of the mosque in Mecca, which at the time also had six minarets. The ensuing scandal, both in and out of Istanbul, resulted in the sultan’s ordering the construction of a seventh minaret at the Kaa’ba.

Galata Tower

Guided Istanbul tour – enjoy the best views of Istanbul!

Pivate guided Istanbul tour like to introduce you the dungeon of the past, the tourist attraction of today. A fortress, an observation tower, a fire-control station… Why not a temptation for those who believe they can fly?! The Galata Tower – this is the place that gives you the best panoramic views of Istanbul as well as the most spectacular views of the Bosphorus. You can also enjoy the view of the Marmara Sea, the Topkapi Palace, the Golden Horn from the tower. You can even see the Princes’ Islands, Hagia Sofia and the Sultanahmet Mosque (Blue Mosque) from there.

Istanbul is an endless fairytale. Its stories, the result of its rich history and culture, are ones that always attract visitors’ attention. The city that spreads on two cintinents, Europe and Asia and has witnessed different civilizations and cultures is inviting to be discovered. Among its many interesting stories are the ones with towers in them. Do you remember the story about Rapunzel who got locked in a tower? A young girl that was all alone in the tower. And Istanbul with its Galata Tower has stories of beauty, agony and joy. However, Istanbul is not like the other cities. One of the best ways to get to know it is with Istanbul guided private tours. As the ‘main character’ of the private tours id the Tower, it’s worth joining them istanbul fun tours.

Get on the wings of private guided Istanbul tour

Galata Tower is one of Istanbul’s significant and notable landmarks. It is on the European side, in Old Pera (or Beyoglu district), where Golden Horn meets the Bosphorus. Emperor Aastasius built this old and important monument in 507. Originally, it was a lighthouse and people knew it as the Lighthouse Tower. Later, in 1348, Genoese colonists rebuilt the tower as the ’Tower of Christ’ (Christea Turris in Latin). They did it at the highest point of the citadel of Galata district of Istanbul. The nine-storey tower is 66.90 metres high. Also, it was the city’s highest structure when they built it. It is 35 metres above the sea level. The Galata Tower has an external diameter of 16.45 metres at the base. The diametre inside is 8.95 metres. And the walls are 3.75 metres thick. One can enjoy the four parts of Istanbul from the tower. People can see the Golden Horn, the Suleyman’ Mosque, Haghia Sophia, the Blue Mosque and the Topkapi Palace. Not only that but also the Spice Market and the Bosphorus guided istanbul tour.

Istanbul Fun Tours are great fun

Istanbul Fun Tours are great fun

Istanbul Fun Tours – To have fun during city tour Istanbul is important. It is also so important to have the tour with guide Ensar. It is not difficult to have fun and Ensar as your guide in Istanbul. The easiest way to remember Istanbul as a place to spend good time is to have a Bosphorus tour with a boat where you can watch the lively city. It is so great to watch Istanbul – one of the most crowded cities of the world, from a quiet place.

It is really sensible to have Ensar as your guide in Istanbul. He is the most favourable Turkey tour guide possible as well customized istanbul tour.

The islands are another great option to go away from the crowd of Istanbul. You can also have a quick city break for your dinner on Maiden Tower or Water Island. Both of them have lovely restaurants.

You can have a day off from Istanbul and go to Princes’ Islands. You will spend one whole day there. It’s not only going away from Istanbul but also going back in time. If you really like to go back in time, Ephesus is the right place. You can explore the ancient site with Ensar or have one of the local Ephesus tour guides istanbul fun tours.

Whatever you think of, you will find it in Istanbul Fun Tours. You can walk in the busiest street of Beyoglu where you have to push people away to make your way. Before we have a break in Asmali Mescit for cold beer or some snacks, we can see and listen to people playing nice music on the street.

Istanbul Cultural Tours – Istanbul is the heart of Turkey

Istanbul Cultural Tours – Istanbul is the heart of Turkey

It is not the political capital of Turkey but with the population (approximately 18 million people) living there, it is definitely the commercial; social and art capital of Turkey. Istanbul is one of the favourite places for Turkey tour guides. It is the only city in the world located on two continents. That gives you the chance to have two continents included in your Istanbul cultural tours. You can easily get Istanbulday tour that starts on the European side with the historical part of Istanbul and finishes with a relaxing Bosphorus tour between the two continents istanbul shopping tours.
Istanbul has over 2000 years of history and is the former capital of three successive empires, the Roman; Byzantium and Ottoman Empires. Istanbul cultural tours are like travelling back in time. In your visit Istanbul you can see the remnants from the Ottoman, Byzantium and Roman Empires. The past is well preserved, whilst there is a modern streak apparent. To fully plunge into the past, you should consider visiting Ephesus with its Ephesus sightseeing.

If you are a little bit interested in History or Mitology or Art history; Istanbul is the place for you to visit and Ensar is your guide for Istanbul cultural tours as well as for Istanbul fun tours. Although the majority of the cultural things are on the European side of Istanbul; there are also some significant places such as Beylerbeyi Palace; Kuleli and Kuzguncuk on the Asian side. Istanbul daily city tours can take you to these places istanbul cultural tours.

Istanbul Religion Tours – The capital of religions

Istanbul Religion Tours – The capital of religions…

Istanbul is what it is because it has something from each religion – Islam, Christianity, and Judaism. Lets discover all in Istanbul religion tours. Istanbul is the head quarter of Orthodox Church. Although there are more than 90 Orthodox churches up and running, the population of Orthodox is a little bit more than 5000 istanbul custom tours.

More than 500 years ago when Catholics got Andalusia back from the Arabs, they were asking everybody to convert to Catholism. When people said ‘Yes, I convert to Catholism’, it was not enough for them. They wanted a proof for that. That meant, they had to eat pork. Both Muslim and Jewish refused it. Although Turks were not in control of the west part of the Mediterranean Sea, Sultan Beyazit II sent boats to rescue them. When they arrived, unlike any European country, we settled all the Jewish in the centre of Konstantiniye. That place is called Balat. Later on people started to call that place the Jewish Quarter. Many places are waiting to be visited an explored in the Istanbul religion tours.

Turks conquered Istanbul

After Turks conquered Istanbul, it became the centre of Islam. There are more than 3000 mosques in Istanbul. Among them all, Selahattin (it means ‘member of the Royal family of the Ottomans’, and they have a special section for Sultan to pray) Mosques are worth visiting. These are Blue Mosque (Sultanahmet), Suleymaniye, Sehzade Mehmet, Fatih, Beyazid mosques istanbul religion tours.

Istanbul shopping tours – shopping paradise

Istanbul shopping tours – shopping paradise…

Istanbul is a shopping paradise for everybody. That’s why we decided to make Istanbul shopping tours. You can find anything there at good and reasonable price. Turkish Carpet, Turkish leather, Turkish silk, Turkish textile and many more… Turkey is the second biggest textile and silk producer of the world ensar islamoglu.

Only Grand Bazaar has almost 4000 shops. It is the oldest and the biggest shopping mall. For your Istanbul shopping tours you need to wear comfortable shoes and let Ensar Islamoglu teach you how to do bargaining. You will find out that in almost all the shops shopkeepers and shop assistants are so polite and honest.

Spice Market is the place you can’t leave without buying something. It is the place for spice and Turkish delight. We call it ‘sweet stop’ of Istanbul shopping tours. You can try everything in the shop and they won’t charge you a penny for that.

We can make your private daily Istanbul tour more interesting by adding a visit to a modern shopping mall istanbul shopping tours.

Istanbul Custom Tours

Istanbul Custom Tours – Interestanbul

Bosphorus Bridge Top Istanbul is the only city in the world which is settled on two continents. Istanbul is the place where the eastern and the western cultures come together in harmony. While you are having your Istanbul Custom Tours in Europe you can easily see Asia with its sightseeing tour guide ensar.

Although the best way to explore Istanbul is by walking, you still need a pair of comfortable shoes. Why do you need them? Because while enjoying your walking tour in the old city of Istanbul, you will realise that Istanbul is the city settled on seven hills. Not only do you need a pair of comfortable shoes, but you also need a good Istanbul guide. It can be Ensar, Ensar Islamoglu – a great tour guide for Istanbul Custom Tours. His love and passion for Turkey make him your best choiceistanbul custom tours.

Ensar Islamoglu – ask your question about Istanbul

Ensar Islamoglu – ask your question about Istanbul

Me, Ensar Islamoglu, as a private tour guide answered the Frequently Asked Questions about Istanbul, in the following section. If still you cannot find the question you wonder about, please use the contact page and write to me. Don’t hesitate! You never know, I might put your question with your name on the FAQ page guide ensar.

I am specialist on tailor-made tours like Istanbul guided customized tours. For more information please contact me with the size of your group for a free quote with no-obligation.

I am also so happy to introduce Ephesus and Turkey tours and to all our visitors to get more about Ephesus please check walking tours Ephesus, about Turkey please check Turkey private round tour ensar islamoglu.

Tour guide Ensar

Tour guide Ensar

I was born in Turkey and live in Turkey, Istanbul. I have been a professional tour guide for 25 years. Although I am a licensed guide for whole Turkey. As Tour guide Ensar,  I am especially an expert on the daily Istanbul tours. One thing that you can be sure about is on whatever tour you are with me in Istanbul, you will be satisfied. I also really like meeting new people from different countries and cultures. It doesn’t matter where you come from, you will find something from you and your culture in my city – Istanbul private istanbul tour

No matter what tour I do – whether it is a city tour in Istanbul or a longer tour in Anatolia, around Turkey, Black Sea region or a tour abroad, I always approach to people and my job professionally, with understanding and patience.

I’m interested in Mythology, History, Art History, Archaeology, Architecture, Computers.

I am so happy because my work is my hobby tour guide ensar.