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Republic of Congo Diplomatic group

Guided Tour Istanbul for the Republic of Congo Diplomatic group on 11th March

We started the Guided Tour Istanbul from Hippodrome. Again it was Friday and we couldn’t go into Sultan Ahmet Mosque. We talked a little bit outside about Blue Mosque – how beautiful it is inside, how magnificent and blue it is as well. The blue colour comes from the Iznik tiles. I hope the people from the group will come back but this time they will bring their families. They will join our customized Istanbul tours to see other amazing sites in Istanbul.

Today a nice surprise was waiting for us in Roman Hippodrome. It was the first tulips of the year. They are so welcome. They are like summer romance for us. Maximum we see them 2 months and the rest of the 10 months we miss them. Luckily, Istanbul is beautiful and unique in every season and city tours Istanbul can prove it istanbul tour guides.

After Roman Hippodrome, we visited Hagia Sophia. That pretty ‘lady’ is more than 1500 years old and still no other cathedral has been built as quickly as Hagia Sophia. Its mosaics and calligraphy are from two different religions but stay so peacefully together.

Highlight of Guided Tour Istanbul, Topkapi Place

Topkapi Palace was the highlight of our Guided Tour Istanbul. We went through all history, of course in summarised format, because we are talking for a period of something like 400 years guided tour istanbul.

Ethiopia Diplomatic group

Istanbul Tour Guides – Ensar –  private Istanbul tour for Ethiopia Diplomatic group on 4th of March

We started our tour with Blue Mosque which is one of the most famous mosques of the world. Due to the Friday pray, we couldn’t go inside. However, Ensar, one of the best Istanbul tour guides and customized round Turkey tours, talked about the Blue Mosque in Hippodrome istanbul tour guides.

It was raining a little bit when we were going around the Hippodrome. It was difficult to keep ourselves dry but it gave a great ambiance to the tour. At least, that’s what I think. Rain is always bit more difficult for Istanbul Tour Guides.

After we saw the monuments from Roman Hippodrome, we carried on to Hagia Sophia, a place that must be seen with Istanbul tour guides. We talked a lot about the history, stories and facts about Hagia Sophia customized daily istanbul tours.

Customized daily Istanbul tours with private tour guide Ensar

Topkapi Palace was our last place in this customized tour Istanbul. We saw many details in Topkapi Palace, ranging from Imperial Consul Place to kitchens, audience hall to holy treasures. The Palace might have been the last place in that tour around Istanbul but it’s one of the many tours, including daily Ephesus tours, that you would like to take in the company of guide Ensar.

How many people live in Istanbul?

Istanbul daily tour and Istanbul tour guides like to take you to the largest city in Turkey, Istanbul. It is the fifth most crowded city in the world and the largest European city. Istanbul attracts Turkish people as well as tourists for Istanbul daily tour with its location – the Bosphorus Strait, the Marmara Sea, the Black Sea. It also offers many possibilities for the people – to work there, to study, to make business istanbul daily tour.

The largest city in Turkey and customized Turkey tours – Istanbul daily tour

From 1st January, 2014 the estimated population of Istanbul is 14,160,467. That makes it the fastest growing of the 78 largest metropolitans in the world istanbul day tour.

Since Istanbul is Turkey’s economic, cultural and historical centre, it immediately becomes an attractive point for the Turkish people from around the country. They go to Istanbul hoping to build their dreams there. And they add to the city and make it the most populous one.

Constantly growing skyline

Istanbul is a flourishing city, with a constantly growing skyline and it inevitably is the centre of everything. Tourists also become part of the population for some time and they make Istanbul the fifth most popular tourist destination. Contact me, the guide Ensar Islamoglu, and let’s enjoy Istanbul together.

What is the climate in Istanbul?

Istanbul is an amazing city, settled on two continents, millions of people live in this spread out city. Contact me to take you round this huge area with many topographic diversities. That is a prerequisite for different microclimates to be experienced in the city. Istanbul has a borderline Mediterranean climate, humid subtropical climate and oceanic climate, due to its location in a transitional climatic zone. Still it cannot be classified as solely Mediterranean or humid subtropical climate. In short, it is suitable all the time for Istanbul day tour with Istanbul tour guide, of course.

Istanbul Day Tour – Bosphorus coastline

Humid tropical climates dominate the northern half of Istanbul, as well as the Bosphorus coastline istanbul day tour. The Mediterranean climate, warmer, drier and less affected by humidity dominates the populated areas of the city to the South, on the other hand Istanbul is characterized with high humidity and that makes fog quite common although in the northern parts mainly than in the city centre.

Summers are warm. During summer months the average temperature is around 30 °C. The highest recorded temperature was 45 °C. Rainfall is uncommon istanbul daily tour.

Turkey is a big country and you can experience different climate at different places. For example, the best time to visit the ancient Ephesus is in summer.

Do we need our passport to go to the Asian side of Istanbul from the European side?

Istanbul Tour Guide, Ephesus tour guides and Ensar Islamoglu, who is the common thing in both places. Istanbul as well as Ephesus can be shown to tourists by this guide. Istanbul is  the only city in the world where two continents, Asia and Europe, collide. Bosphorus – the beauty of Istanbul, is the connecting part between the continents. Get Istanbul daily tour to visit the continents for a day istanbul tour guide.

Istanbul Tour Guide – You don’t need your passport

No, of course you don’t need your passport to get to the other side of Istanbul. You only need to get a ticket for the public ferry, get on it and if it’s not the rush hour, get your seat and stretch out a little while enjoying the gulls squawk. Public ferry is a sort of Bosphorus boat tour but without a guide. A good guide that you can get is Ensar Islamoglu, Istanbul Tour Guide.. It’s useful to know that Ensar is knowledgeable about whole Turkey as well istanbul tour guide.

You can also reach Asia or Europe by car, over the Bosphorus Bridge (or the First Bridge, as it is also known). In October, visitors can take part in the ‘fun run’ and cross the bridge on foot.

What are the older names of Istanbul?

Istanbul day tour – When a mother has her baby, she feels the greatest love ever. She can do anything for that little baby. The most innocent one is to call that baby different names.

Istanbul is that baby – Istanbul old city tours

Now, back to our topic. Istanbul is that ‘baby’. It was born by the Megarian colonist, Byzas (the son of the god Poseidon and the nymph Keroessa, daughter of Zeus and Io). Before he was leaving Greece, he asked the oracle at Delphi where he should establish his new colony. The answer he got was enigmatic – ‘Opposite the blind’. While he was sailing up the Bosphorus, he remembered the words of the oracle as he noticed the colony on the Asian shore at Chalcedon.

Then on the European shore they saw the small fishing village of Lygos. It was built on a magnificent and easily fortified natural harbour of the Golden Horn. Thinking, as legend has it, that the settlers of Chalcedon must have been blind to disregard such a good and strategic position, Byzas and his fellows settled their new town there and named it after its founder Byzas, Byzantium..istanbul day trips

The new colony quickly prospered but the following historical events brought it under the rule of Septimius Severus. He named his new city Augusta Antonina and it was subsequently ruled by a succession of emperors. When Constantine the Great became a sole emperor of a reunited empire (in the east – Augusta Antonina and in the west – Rome), for a short period Istanbul was named New Rome. Soon after, it got the name Constantinople, in honour of Constantine the Great. Don’t you want to see all these in Istanbul Day Tours. Why not find out whether Ephesus had ever changed its name, in Ephesus daily tour istanbul day tours.

The name Konstantiniyye

After the Ottoman conquest in 1453 the name Konstantiniyye became the most formal official name in Ottoman Turkish. It remained like that for most of the time up to 1923, the year Turkey became Republic. The modern Turkish name Istanbul is attested since the 10th century and it comes from the Greek phrase ‘istimbolin’, meaning ‘in the city’ or ‘to the city’.

Calendar of guide Ensar

Calendar of Istanbul Tours Guide

You can see the schedule of Istanbul Tours Guide – Ensar Islamoglu below. Fortunately, I am the only one that whoever gets me for Istanbul day tours, they will feel so special. But you have to hurry up to get me for your private daily tours of Istanbul. Earlier reservations are always better to get the day you want and enjoy the customized private Istanbul tour, private fun tour Istanbul …private bosphorus tours

Fortunately, I am not only guiding in Istanbul but around Turkey as well. Guiding is my job and I love it and do it with pleasure. Many are the places around Turkey which are great to be visited and Ephesus is one of them. So, keep private tour guide Ephesus and Ensar Islamoglu in mind next time you need a guide for the region.

In short, follow me and my calendar for tours to be updated on my availability. Another option is for you to contact me about any tour you are interested in istanbul tours guide.

Is Turkish cuisine worth trying?

Istanbul Day Trip, Istanbul tours guide and  Turkish food. Food is an important part in the life of Turkish people. Ottoman cuisine is often regarded as one of the three great cuisines of the world. It’s a rich mixture of the inheritance of a great cuisine culture. Its rich variety is related to many factors – the interaction with many different cultures throughout the history (Greek, Central Asian, Middle Eastern, Mediterranean and Balkan cuisines), the new tastes evolved in the courts of empires such as Selcuk and Ottoman…

Istanbul Day Trip – Locally grown ingredients

Turkish people are lucky to have access to fresh, locally grown ingredients and they can make some of the freshest dishes. This is because Turkey is one of only seven countries in the world that can produce enough food to feed its people.

There are usually three meals a day for Turkish people – breakfast, lunch and dinner (kahvalti, oyle yemek and aksam yemek) istanbul day trip.

Composed of dishes prepared with grain – city tours Istanbul

The cuisine is generally composed of dishes prepared with grain, various vegetables, soups, cold dishes, cooked with olive oil, pastry and herbs (it is generally not spicy, though this varies throughout the seven regions). There are some peculiar, healthy foods like pekmez (grape molasses), yoghurt and bulgur. In fact, wherever you are in Turkey, you are sure to taste great dishes. There is a place not far from the emblematic Ephesus where Turkish cuisine and cosy atmosphere are very well combined. This is the village of Sirince. That is an idea for you where else you can enjoy tasty food. Ephesus sightseeing tours, Sirince and delicious food.

Fish is obligatory for the Turkish people, especially in Istanbul. It’s one of the indispensables. It’s normal – the shores of the Bosphorus are the places where the freshest and the most delicious seasonal fish can be found istanbul day trip.

Turkish Tea

A sip of tea from tulip shape glass

A visit to Turkey, to Istanbul (for personal Istanbul tours) suggests together with going sightseeing, to get familiar with the local cuisine, local traditions…

Surely, every one of you has, at least once, heard or even tasted Fish and bread, Turkish coffee and Turkish tea. If not, then it is time to do so. Today, wherever you go in Turkey (in every park, village, town square … in any place which offers a good view), you will find many small teahouses or tea gardens. These are not simply places where you can have tea while enjoying the Bosphorus, for example, but they are social clubs where men mainly gather, especially in the evening. There they feel fine to play backgammon customized tour istanbul.

Some of the typical tea gardens in Istanbul are Camlica, on the Asian side, the Pierre Loti cafe in the neighbourhood of Eyup, the tea garden in Uskudar.[/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image=”2489″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center”]

[vc_column_text]Turkish tea is one of the things that symbolizes Turkey and always there to make personal Istanbul tours lovelier and friendlier, still it is relatively young. Some sources mention that Turks traded and consumed tea as soon as 400 B.C., but certain is that tea only became common in Turkey from the 1900s onwards. The first record of using tea as a beverage comes from China dating back to the 10th century BC. But only since 1589, Europeans learnt about tea when a Venetian author credits the lengthy lives of Asians to their tea drinking.

Drinking Turkish tea as healthy as enjoying Istanbul day trips

In 1878 one of the governors in Turkey published a book about tea which described health benefits of drinking tea. At that time the first tea houses opened in Istanbul. Still, coffee remained the hot beverage to be preferred. Then, in 1923 after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire and the loss of important provinces, coffee became expensive to import and it turned to be luxury. Ataturk then, encouraged drinking tea as an alternative to coffee.[/vc_column_text]

[vc_single_image image=”2490″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center”][vc_column_text]The very first attempt to grow tea on Turkish soil took place in Bursa between 1888 and 1892. It wasn’t a success since this part of the country is ecologically inadequate for growing tea. Later, the Rize province on the East coast of the Black Sea. It was found to have mild climate and fertile soil and there the Turks began to produce their own tea, Rize tea.

First tea plantations started in 1924

The first tea plantations were started in 1924 in Rize, with tea seeds brought from neighbouring Georgia. Rize tea is a form of black tea which produces a ruby red, crystal clear liquid. It is brewed for a long time, at least 15 minutes. For it, two stacked kettles are used – a larger lower one and a smaller top one. Water, preferably spring water, is boiled in the lower kettle, while tea is put in the top kettle. As many teaspoons of tea plus one for the kettle itself are put, as the number of people who are to drink tea is. Then, give it at least fifteen minutes to brew perfectly. And that simple, easy-going drink known as Turkish tea (or cay in Turkish) is ready personal istanbul tours.

Unlike other nations which are famous for drinking tea, tea in Turkey is drank plain, no milk, only a sugar or two (according to one’s taste). Turks use special curved, see-through tea glasses and a small plate underneath for making it easier to carry and serve. Traditional Turkish tea glasses have no handle like a regular Western cup. So you need to hold the glass from the top using your thumb and index finger.

Make a lot of noise

Then, take a spoon, stir your tea and make a lot of noise; hold the tulip-shaped glass cup by the edge because it is very hot. And also because you are going to drink several of these glasses. Afiyet olsun!

‘Turkish tea is peaceful… A glass of tea is offered in all circumstances – when you walk into a shop, office, home. It bestows a gesture of grace. Tea symbolises all that Turkey is…’ Katharine Branning, ‘Turkish tea is a symbol of everything that they seek to give to the world. It’s a gesture of peace. It’s a gesture of friendship.’ Tea is drunk everywhere around Turkey. Even for Ephesus, ask Ephesus guides where you could have a glass of tea.

What are the symbols of Istanbul?

When you ask locals what the symbols of Istanbul are, it’s quite possible they tell you different ones. Because Istanbul has many symbols. It’s a magical city and everything is possible here. The biggest and most significant one of all is the Bosphorus, the beauty of Istanbul, the famously beautiful stretch of water. The Bosphorus, which is a great point for Istanbul Day Trips and private Bosphorus tours, with the Golden Horn (an inlet of the Strait) and Maiden’s Tower (Kiz Kulesi) at its southern entrance, has a definite personality customized istanbul city tour.

Istanbul Day Trips – Maiden’s Tower, Grand Bazaar

Maiden’s Tower – a place of legends, the Grand Bazaar – maybe the first shopping mall of the world; the Spice Market – the second largest covered market after the Grand Bazaar, the place ‘to spice your life up’; Galata Tower with its breathtaking views of the Bosphorus, the Topkapi Palace, the Marmara Sea, the Golden Horn, the Galata Bridge, the Sultanahmet mosque..

Yes, all the historical sites in Istanbul can be thought of as its symbols. We shouldn’t forget the Dolmabahce Palace, the Hippodrome, the Cistern.. These and many others around Turkey are awaiting you on guided Turkey tours.

Chocolate of Beyoglu

And last but definitely not least are the legendary chocolate of Beyoglu; simit – the king of Istanbul street food, the amazing fish restaurants, the Fish Bread (Balik Ekmek).

Contact me to visit Istanbul and surely you will find your symbols that will remind you of the city on two continents.

A piece of advice for all of you who like travelling. We are all different but the same. All of us or almost all of us need to experience new places, cultures, meet new people, learn new things. There is a beauty exploring places yourself as well as doing it with a guide. Both ways have their pros and cons. There is a place in Turkey, though, Ephesus that is always better to see with a guide. In order to fully enjoy and experience the ancient site, my advice is to do it with tour guide Ephesus istanbul day trips.