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When was Istanbul settled?

Istanbul daily tours – The earliest-known settlement in the area, which people now know as Istanbul, was probably founded around 1000 BC. Its name was Semistra. Then appeared a small fishing village, named Lygos. Lygos was settled on the European side. Then, around 700 BC colonists from Megara in Greece, founded the city of Chalcedon on the European shore of the Bosphorus.

Istanbul Daily Tours – Byzantium, comes after a Megarean colonist

The next name of the settlement – Byzantium, comes after a Megarean colonist, Byzas, who established his new colony. There is a legend that says that Byzas was the son of Poseidon and a nymph, daughter of Zeus and Io. Before he was leaving Greece, he asked the oracle at Delphi where he should establish his new colony istanbul daily tours. The answer he got was enigmatic – ‘Opposite the blind’.

While he was sailing up the Bosphorus, he remembered the words of the oracle as he noticed the colony on the Asian shore at Chalcedon. Then on the European shore he saw the small fishing village of Lygos. It was built on a magnificent and easily fortified natural harbour of the Golden Horn. Thinking, as legend has it, that the settlers of Chalcedon must have been blind to disregard such a good and strategic position, Byzas and his fellows settled their new town there and named it after its founder Byzas, Byzantium (Istanbul city tour)

Historical development of modern Istanbul

The history of Istanbul explains the historical development of modern Istanbul (private Istanbul tour) is the best way to see it ). It tells us about other rulers of the place, other names, empires…till today. You can learn all about these in Istanbul Daily Tours istanbul tours.

These are little drops of information about Istanbul. I am specialist on doing tailor-made tours. Please contact us with the size of your group for a free quote with no-obligation.

Ensar on Chinese state TV

Customized Guided Tour – Ensar Islamoglu on CCTV

Chinese Television got the best guide for their customized guided tour. It was Ensar’s pleasure to tell them about and make them fall in love with his country.

Chinese television was in Turkey to make a film and introduce Istanbul (private tour Istanbul). Not only that cosmopolitan city but also Turkey itself to their viewers.

Their idea was to do something special and they needed somebody different for that. So, they chose the recommended, best private tour guide in Istanbul, Ensar Islamoglu.

It was my pleasure to help the television crew to do that. As I love my job, it’s always exciting and rewarding to help people know and love my country. For that, a contact me click is enough istanbul daily tours.

Although I mentioned that they need to make at least hundreds of episodes, because of a lack of time, the crew could only make one…

Paradise of history, archaeology and mythology

With more than 30,000 ruins, only about 1000 of which are visible, my country is a paradise of history, archaeology and mythology. What you will see in the film about Turkey below is only a small part of what treasure my country has. In Turkey you can visit the oldest temple of the world, Gobeklitepe. You can watch the sunset on Mount Nemrut. You can also see Cappadocia from a hot balloon…istanbul daily tours

I like to thank all of you (Chai Haoran, Xiong Sibo, Li Dongfeng, Tian Lianshui, Tianran He) for making such a great program about my country! And I am just hoping to have lots of tourists from China who are asking about me for a customized guided tour and Istanbul daily tours.

Where does the name Istanbul come from?

Istanbul Tours – Istanbul was officially adopted as a sole name in 1930. Through the ages the city of Istanbul has changed its name several times. It is a city with intriguing history, a city of many legends, rulers… The first name of the place was Byzantium or Byzantion. It was founded by Greek colonists from Megara.

Before the city became widely known by the name Constantinople, it changed two other names, Augusta Antonina and New Rome, for a short period. Then, in honour of Constantine the Great, Istanbul was named Constantinople and became the new eastern capital of the Roman Empire customized guided tour.

Istanbul Tours – Konstantiniyye became the most formal

After the Ottoman conquest in 1453 the name Konstantiniyye became the most formal official name in Ottoman Turkish. With that name Istanbul became known in the Islamic world.  It remained like that for most of the time up to 1923, the year Turkey became Republic. Ottoman authorities showed preferences to other names as well during that period istanbul tours The modern Turkish name Istanbul is attested since the 10th century and it comes from the Greek phrase ‘istimbolin’; meaning ‘in the city’ or ‘to the city’. Although after the creation of the Republic of Turkey in 1923 Istanbul remains the official name of the city. Many foreigners referred to it with their traditional non-Turkish names. After the kind request of the Turkish official authoritıes and after letters and packages addressed to ‘Constantinople’ instead of ‘Istanbul’ were no longer delivered by the Turkey’s PTT. The new name of Istanbul was eventually adopted worldwide.


The miniature copy of Turkish sites

If you don’t have enough time for proper Istanbul city tour and like to explore the sights of Turkey in a short time. Or you are visiting one of the palaces in Istanbul and you feel a sudden urge to be in Konya in Mevlana Mausoleum; then Miniaturk is the place that you have to visit.

The museum that reveals the cultural and architectual heritage of 3000 years of Anatolian history, the Miniaturk opened in 2003 on the Golden Horn.

Miniaturk had been inspired by a similar theme park in the Netherlands.
We can easily see Hagia Sophia, Topkapi Palace, Blue Mosque, Mount Nemrut, Artemis Temple there. And even Bosphorus Bridge that we can walk on. These and hundreds more dwellings, bridges, palaces, mosques, sanctuaries, towers built by people who lived and established civilizations in Anatolia can be seen in the park. The world’s largest miniature park covers an area of 60,000 m2 and consists of three main parts; the biggest of which is 5ooo m2 area of models, Mini-Turkey Park. The other two parts are Miniaturk Panorama Victory Museum and Crystal Istanbul customized tours istanbul.

Istanbul city tour cannot be replaced but the theme park can be an inspiration for the visitor to visit the original sites.

Istanbul city Tour – Mini-Turkey park

The works to be exhibited in Mini-Turkey park were selected by professors. And they were reproduced after being scaled down by 1/25, the standard ratio in the world for miniature museums. Bosphorus Bridge is the only model that is exceptional to the proportion and is 43 metres long. The model of the bridge has been built according to a proportion of 1/23; which allows visitors to walk on it easily and safely istanbul city tour.

Mausoleum of Mevlana

The Mausoleum of Mevlana (built in 1274 in Konya) is the first model to see. As we all know or have heard about Mevlana’s love and tolerance, we cannot but understand the idea of that. It is very symbolic and greets the visitors, ‘Come, come again! Infidel, fireworshipper, pagan. Whoever you are, how many times you have sinned, come!’

Bulgarian Church

Customized tours Istanbul – Church Sveti Stefan

Christianity in Turkey has a long history. Anatolia had always been the cradle of Christianity. It is the birthplace of many Christian Apostles and Saints. It is also the birthplace of many interesting stories during customized tours Istanbul. Particularly Ephesus played a vital role in the spread of the religion. It was one of the seven churches of Asia, the site of several 5-th century Christian Councils.

The Bulgarian Orthodox Church Sveti Stefan (also the Bulgarian Iron Church), was ready in 1898 after one and a half year of work. It is on the shore of the Golden Horn between Balat and Fener squares (near Eyup district). The public could see it on 8 September, the same year due to Exarch Joseph.

The conquest of the Balkans

With the conquest of the Balkans all the Bulgarian lands went under the authority of the Ottomans. Before that Bulgaria had always had constant connections with Eastern Thrace. Then its lands became part of the Ottoman Empire. Because of that, the Bulgarian colony in the capital of the Empire, Istanbul, became bigger. Among Bulgarians it was famous as Tsarigrad. The colony consisted of mostly craftsmen and merchants. Istanbul was also the centre of journalism and enlightenment for the Bulgarians. This and other interesting stories can be heard on Istanbul private tours istanbul city tour.

Cradle of Christianity

As mentioned above, Anatolia has always been the cradle of Christianity. And that is the truth. Thousands of religious pilgrims from all over the world visit Turkey every year. That is because Turkey is the place where Paganism ruled. Then, a new religion, Christianity, slowly replaced it. After that, with the arrival of the Selcuks, Islam rooted in the lands of Turkey. This wasn’t an obstacle for the rest of the population of the Ottoman Empire, who professed different faith, to have their places for praying. Thus, in Istanbul there were other churches and synagogues as well – Aya Yorgi Fener Greek Orthodox Patriarchy Church, the Armenian Church, the Jewish Synagogue. Customized tours Istanbul keep interesting stories of that time customized tours istanbul.


Where time stands still!

Buyukada is an island from the Princes’ Islands group of nine islands. As it is, it can be part of Istanbul private tours. Unlike the cosmopolitan city of Istanbul, Buyukada is a symbol of tranquility, serenity. Istanbul is so busy with all the cafes, shopping centres, big buildings, everything that a modern human can think of. While Buyukada (in fact, the Princes’ Islands or ‘Adalar’, like Turkish call them) is a ploace where life has stopeed. It is like a harbour where ‘past’ settled down and doesn’t want to leave. Past, well-preserved and ignorant of new technologies or people’s modern desires.

Buyukada is in the Sea of Marmara, not far away from Istanbul sightseeing. There is population on four of the islands only. And the islands all have Greek and Turkish names. Buyukada is the Turkish name of the island and it means Big Island, as it covers an area of 5.4 km². Due to its size, the island is the biggest in the Princes’ Islands group and can be one of the places to visit on Istanbul private tours. ‘These Isles of the Princes lie in sight of Stamboul and its splendours, and of the mountains of Asia, dominated by the Mysean Olympus istanbul private tours.

American Congressman

They are glorious in physical loveliness…’, Samuel Sullivan Cox – an American Congressman who was Ambassador to the Ottoman Empire in 1885. Just like on the other islands there is no car traffic on Buyukada. To prevent the islands from becoming polluted, the only motorized vehicles allowed are the ones of service (fire, rubbish, police, ambulance). Transportation is in fact, traditional horse-drawn phaetons. Also, the design of the roads on the island is suitable for walking and cycling.

Prinkipo in Istanbul private tours

Earlier name, the Greek name of the island was Prinkipo. The Byzantine Emperor Justin II built a palace and monastery on Buyukada in A.D. 569. He was the “prince” who gave the Princes’ Isles their name. The Byzantine emperors used Buyukada as a place to exile their enemies. However, most often the enemies used to be their relatives. Also, they were statesmen who might have threatened the emperors’ political power. On the other hand, interesting is the story of the Byzantine Empress Irene who ruled the empire as a regent and as a monarch. Although an orphan but with great personal accomplishments, Irene married the Emperor and at his death she became Empress-Guardian of all Eastern Empire istanbul private tours.

Customized Private Istanbul Tour

Private tour Istanbul, Hagia Sophia – a symbol of tolerance and harmony Private tour Istanbul can help get an answer of if it is a Church? A Mosque? A Museum? One thing is sure, though – it’s a place where religions meet. You can see Islamic art and Christian architecture blend blissfully.

Hagia Sophia stands as a symbol of Istanbul throughout time. A symbol of timeless majesty! customised private istanbul tourVisit Hagia Sophia (as the Greek know it) or Aya Sofia (in Turkish) or St.Sophia, or simply the Church of Holy Wisdom (as they call it in English). You will find it really enjoyable for all the history, inspiration and beauty it offers private tour istanbul.

Chora Museum

Guided Tours Istanbul – is it a church, a mosque or a museum?!

Both Chora and Hagia Sophia are part of guided tours Istanbul and even. As there has always been a comparison between Chora Church and Hagia Sophia, though much smaller in size, just like it, Chora might as well have suffered the crisis of identity.

The church’s full name was the Church of the Holy Saviour in the Country. Originally, it was a part of a monastery complex outside the walls of Constantinople, to the south of Golden Horn, in the early 5th century. Chora is the Greek word for ‘countryside’. Where the church once was, was the country area out of the 4th century city walls of Constantine the Great. Later in the 5th century Theodosius II built his famous double line walls for the defense of the city. Thus, the church became incorporated within these city defenses and practically Chora Church was no longer in the countryside. However, the name Chora stayed guided tours istanbul.

The last seige

Then, in 1453 during the last siege of Constantinople Chora was in a very dangerous position due to its proximity to the western walls. These were the weakest point of the Byzantine defence. There was a desperate try to help the city with the icon of Theotokos Hodegetria. It was brought to Constantinople. The icon is a depiction of Virgin Mary, or the protector of the city. Nevertheless, storm took the city. Around 50 years after the fall of the city, the Grand Vezier of the Sultan converts Chora Church into a mosque. Thus, Chora goes through another part of its life – as a mosque, for four centuries. At that time, the Ottomans didn’t alter the church too much. They changed the grand dome as it had fallen during an earthquake. The frescoes, though, suffered a lot. They were covered by dirt, paint and plaster guided tours istanbul.

Hagia Sophia

Built at the command of Emperor Justinian in the years 532 to 537, Hagia Sophia was first constructed as a church. Then it became a mosque and now it is a museum. Ataturk, the first president and the founder of modern Turkey, turned it into a museum in 1935. Justinian’s church was ready in less than 6 years. And it reigned as the greatest church in Christendom until the Conquest of Constantinople in 1453.

Mehmet the Conqueror penetrated the city

When Mehmet the Conqueror penetrated the city in 1453, his first official stop was to this overwhelming symbol of an empire that he had conquered. And with his head to the ground, he invoked the name of Allah and declared the great house of worship a mosque. Then people removed the Christian Icons and desecrated the mosaics on the walls. And after that the plaster over the walls. The Muslims then installed Arabic writings from the Koran all over the church. Four minarets appeared and the gold cross on the top of the dome disappeared. Instead of it, there sood a brass crescent to signify that it was now a mosque. It is now as significant to Muslims as it is to Christians customised private istanbul tour.

Emperor Justinian chose the two architects of the day: Anthemius of Tralles (Aydin) and Isidorus of Miletus to build it. hus he kept his promise to buld a church like no other. It took 5 years and 4 months for the construction of the Hagia Sophia. It happened in A.D. 537. Then the emperor raised his hands to heaven and proclaimed, “Glory to God who has deigned to let me finish so great a work. O Solomon, I have outdone thee!” What the two architects did, without the benefits of today’s technology, remains unequalled private tour istanbul.

Ensar in Hi Magazine

From Istanbul with Love

Endowed with stunning historical and archaeological sights, urban lifestyle and a liberal society, Istanbul and its Customized Guided Istanbul Tour have become the most favoured destination for tourists from all over the world.

T A Ameerudheen wades through the multi-layered city. The only city in the world that straddles in two continents, Europe and Asia. Also, a city bisected by a quiet flowing Bosphorus…

The moment I got into the boat, a strange but pertinent thought tickled my mind. “Where am I right now? In Europe? or in Asia?”

“Bosphorus is the natural boundary between European and Asian continents. The strait makes Istanbul the only city in the world lying on two continents. You can see Europe on my left and Asia on my right. We are in the middle of the two continents,” travel guide Ensar Islamoglu’s words of wisdom woke me up from my deep thought customized daily istanbul tours.

Two hours later, I realised that one should not immerse in thoughts during the Bosphorus cruise. It is the time to keep eyes and ears open and watch the beautiful structures on either side of the waterway known for their architectural brilliance and historical importance guided tour istanbul.

Dolmabahce Palace – Customized Guided Istanbul Tour

The Dolmabahce Palace, the main administrative centre of Ottoman Empire till 1922, is on the European coastline; Ciragan Palace, a former Ottoman Palace, is on the European shore; Kuleli Military High School, the first Military School in Turkey, is on the Asian side; and the magnificent Bosphorus Bridges connect Asia and Europe (or vice versa), to name a few, will definitely leave an indelible imprint about Istanbul on any visitor.

The cruise was just a precursor. In the next two days, on our guided tour Istanbul, I was able to see some of Istanbul’s stunning museums, churches, palaces, mosques, markets, experience its natural beauty and enjoy food from special array of restaurants and hotels that might have catapulted the city as one of the most-preferred tourist destination in the world these days. Istanbul’s unique geographical positioning and nature’s abundant bounty have been a source of inspiration for top literary figures in the world. Murder-mystery writer Agatha Christie is believed to have written ‘Murder on Orient Express’ from the ‘Pera Palace’ Hotel, while Ernest Hemingway and Alfred Hitchcock used to visit the city quite often.

Second James Bond movie

Hollywood too gave Istanbul its due by picking it as the location for second James Bond movie ‘From Russia With Love’, arguably the best of the Bond films, ‘The World Is Not Enough’, 2012 Oscar-winning movie Argo, and 23rd James Bond Movie ‘Skyfall’. These factors too seem to contribute in increasing Istanbul’s popularity.

However, the uniqueness of Istanbul lies in its multiculturalism and the ability to accommodate people belonging to different cultures, religions and ethnicities.